Hovingham Primary School

Welcome to

Hovingham Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. History



'At Hovingham, History within our curriculum isn't a vehicle to only learn and understand about the past; it is a tool for equipping our children's minds with the knowledge, empathy and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the present and help them to shape a thoughtful and enlightened future.'


History enables children to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. What they learn through history can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values.. The study of history brings purposeful contexts to the skills of research, questioning, observation and enquiry.  Our history intent sets out clearly what we want our pupils to know and remember so that they can use this to understand the complexity of people’s lives, settlement, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups.


At Hovingham Primary our History curriculum will enable pupils to:


Find relevance and purpose in the study of historical events.

Acquire, retain and retrieve key knowledge from different periods of time

Understand significance. How events, inventions, discoveries and people have influenced the modern world.

Build a sense of chronology: now and then; within and beyond living memory; the evolution of civilisations over time.

Through history, gain knowledge of a changing social and economic picture of society by understanding cause and effect.

Think critically about how history has shaped behaviours and attitudes over time.

Are encouraged to think and act as a historian. This requires immersion in a line of enquiry, use of quality resources including texts and artefacts.

Effectively use a range of artefacts and sources; analysing nature, origin, purpose, accuracy and reliability

The history content, and substantive knowledge for every year group, from Nursery to Year 6, is carefully mapped out so that teachers know and understand what to teach and when to teach it. Cohesion and depth are key so that children know and remember more.

History is taught in planned blocks within a termly theme so that depth in vocabulary is explicit, enquiry skills are practised, experiences offer immersion, evidence sources can be explored thoroughly and links to other subject disciplines are capitalised upon.


What will this look like in the classroom?


Our teaching sequence, through the 5A model, is planned and structured around Historical Pedagogy . Teachers are knowledgeable around the History disciplinary knowledge.

Children will have access to Historical connected curriculum experiences which will provide real life experiences.


Children will be continually


Our classrooms will:

Class teachers and supports staff will

Provide appropriate quality equipment for each area of the curriculum

Have developed learning walls which include carefully chosen vocabulary and visual aids which children can constantly refer back to in order to support their learning.

Have access to knowledge organisers which children can refer to during lessons.  These are used to prompt upcoming learning and for review.

Be organised so that pupils can work in small groups or whole class as appropriate to support pupils in their development of their skills.

Work, in its widest sense, will be recorded in floor books and individual pieces of Historical writing in writing books.

Have access in reading corners to historical texts which are relevant to the current topic in order to extend and further engage them in their learning.

Children will have access to Historical connected curriculum experiences which will provide real life experiences.

Children will be continually


Our classrooms will:

Class teachers and supports staff will

Provide appropriate quality equipment for each area of the curriculum.

Have developed learning walls which include carefully chosen vocabulary and visual aids which children can constantly refer back to in order to support their learning.

Have access to knowledge organisers which children can refer to during lessons.  These are used to prompt upcoming learning and for review.

Be organised so that pupils can work in small groups or whole class as appropriate to support pupils in their development of their skills.

Work, in its widest sense, will be recorded in floor books and individual pieces of Historical writing in writing books.


Have access in reading corners to historical texts which are relevant to the current topic in order to extend and further engage them in their learning.

History Policy

History LTP (Curriculum currently being rewritten - planning will be uploaded by June 2025)