'At Hovingham, Geography provides our children with the dynamic exploration of the interconnectedness of their world, unravelling the stories associated with migration, written in landscapes, climate and cultures - it promotes a sense of belonging. At Hovingham, Geography guides our children to understand and appreciate the diversity that makes our planet both extraordinary and interconnected.'
Intent |
Geography knowledge enables children to make connections of the physical, social and economic space around them; within their locality, nationally and globally. The study of geography brings together key aspects of the world and helps us to better understand the people, places and environments within it. Through Geography children can find out and consider why places develop and change. From this, it is then easier to imagine and predict how aspects might alter and why this would be significant.
Underpinning the acquisition of knowledge and skills is strong spatial awareness. This component deepens our understanding of what places are like, their importance and why and how they are connected.
At Hovingham Primary our geography curriculum will enable pupils to:
- Acquire, retain and retrieve key knowledge of locational, physical and human features
- Develop fieldwork skills through local studies
- Compare and contrast the features of different places through a local and global lens
- Understand significance of places to migration and settlement.
- Consider how inventions, discoveries and people have influenced the modern world from a geography perspective.
- Through geography, gain knowledge of a changing social and economic picture of society by understanding cause and effect.
- Develop an appreciation of the natural world and the importance of protecting this.
- Responsibility to support sustainability.
- Are encouraged to think and act as a geographer. This requires immersion in a line of enquiry, use of quality resources including texts
- Effectively use a range of artefacts and sources; analysing nature, origin, purpose, accuracy and reliability.
- Build a sense of belonging
- Celebrate the rich diversity of the local community
The geography content, for every year group, from Nursery to Year 6, is carefully mapped out so that teachers know and understand what to teach and when to teach it. Cohesion and depth are key to essential knowledge ‘sticking’ and then being applied.
Geography is taught in planned blocks within a termly theme so that depth in vocabulary is explicit and fieldwork is practised within the context of the learning.
Implementation |
What will this look like in the classroom?
Our teaching sequence, through the 5A model, will
Class teachers and supports staff will
- Provide appropriate quality equipment for each area of the curriculum.
- Have developed learning walls which include carefully chosen vocabulary and visual aids which children can constantly refer back to in order to support their learning.
- Have access to knowledge organisers which children can refer to during lessons. These are used to prompt upcoming learning and for review.
- Be organised so that pupils can work in small groups or whole class as appropriate to support pupils in their development of their skills.
- Work, in its widest sense, will be recorded in floor books and individual pieces of Geographical writing in writing books.
- Have access in reading corners to Geographical texts which are relevant to the current topic in order to extend and further engage them in their learning.
Our children will be:
- Motivated because they are challenged by the curriculum which they are provided with.
- Engaged in the learning as the curriculum is delivered in a variety of ways including drama, discussion and use of technology and maps, texts.
- Resilient learners who overcome barriers and understand their own strengths and areas for development, know what they do well and can be even better.
- Able to critique their own work as an Geographer because they know how to be successful and what end point they are working towards.
- Demonstrate our values through Geography lessons, for examples opportunities to explore their own creative development, explore tolerance, persevere to overcome any barriers to their learning or self-confidence because feedback is positive and focuses geographical skills and knowledge and demonstrate respect for self, others and environment.
- Develop Geographical skills and confidence over time because of careful planning, focused delivery and time to practice and hone skills.
Impact |
How will we measure the impact?
Pupil Voice will show:
A developed understanding of the methods and skills of Geographer at an age appropriate level.
A progression of understanding, with appropriate vocabulary which supports and extends understanding.
Confidence in discussing Geography, their own work and identifying what’s working well and even better if.
Displays around school and books will show:
Pupils have had opportunities for practice and refinement of skills.
A varied and engaging curriculum which develops a range of Geographical skills.
Developed and final pieces of work which showcase the skills learned.
Clear progression of skills in line with expectations set out in the progression grids.
That pupils, over time, develop a range of skills and techniques across all of the areas of the historical curriculum.
The curriculum leader will:
Celebrate the successes of pupils through planned displays, demonstrating the impact of the Geography curriculum.
Collate appropriate evidence over time which evidences that pupils know more and remember more.
Monitor the standards in the subject to ensure the outcomes are at expected levels.
Provide ongoing CPD support based on the outcomes of subject monitoring to ensure that the impact of the curriculum is wide reaching and positive.
Report to parents and Governors the overall impact of the Geography curriculum
Geography LTP (Curriculum currently being rewritten - planning will be uploaded by June 2025)